0910_BCA-KelleyAcres_419 (OCT)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Days of Immobility

May soon be behind us. Adi's been going through some late stage testing and looks ready to unleash her first official crawl any moment.

First step, check the mirrors, look left, look right ...


Okay. All clear. Now let's get the front end into position ...


No problem there, now for the legs.


Got it. Well, that seems like enough for today. Don't want to push it. Stay tuned ...

Monday, June 9, 2008

This Moment in Adi History

If you look closely at her hands, Adi is using the American manual alphabet to sign "A" for Adi and "L" for Lily. Moments before this picture was taken, some say she completed etching the Gettysburg address on the south wall of the fireplace. The National Park Service officially calls these reports urban legend.


Here, Adi proves that, unlike John McCain, she can pull off lime green.
